The series follows the adventures of teenage child prodigy Tony Stark and his alter ego of Iron Man. As Iron Man, he uses his technological inventions to fight various similarly technologically advanced threats. His friends, James "Rhodey" Rhodes and Pepper Potts help him on his courageous, and dangerous adventures.
When his industrialist father Howard Stark who disappears in a plane crash after refusing to weaponize the Earth Mover at Obadiah Stane's behest, 17-year-old genius Tony uses a high-tech suit of armor he has constructed and investigates a charge that Stane may have been involved in his father's death. As Iron Man, Tony spends his time stopping Stane's plans and saving the world from other villains such as Mandarin, Mr. Fix, Whiplash, A.I.M., Living Laser, the Maggia, Controller, Crimson Dynamo, Blizzard, Killer Shrike, Unicorn, M.O.D.O.K., Ghost, Black Knight, and Technovore. He is assisted in his crime fighting efforts with help from James Rhodes and Pepper Potts. Tony's activities as Iron Man usually result in his needing to make up excuses as to why he is constantly late or missing from school and other activities. Dependent on his phenomenal technology for survival, Tony must balance the pressures of teenage life with the duties of being a super hero.

:Episodes In HINDI:

Mr. Fix's mysterious new boss orders the abduction of 21-year-old multibillionaire Justin Hammer. But when Iron Man fights the new and improved Whiplash to prevent this, Tony's heart ends up critically damaged in the process.  

Episode 31: Armor Wars
When Stane builds duplicates of the Iron Man armors called the Guardsmen, Tony must reveal they are frauds. But this causes the civilians to starthating Iron Man, as they believe that he is simply jealous of the town's new heroes.

Episode 36: Enter Iron Monger NEW
When Obadiah Stane completes the Iron Monger armor, Iron Man and War Machine must fight to the finish with all they have. 

Episode 37: Fugitive of S.H.I.E.L.D. 
Black Widow returns stealing from Nick Fury and the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier, and by circumstance and some cold calculation Iron Man ends up being hunted by S.H.I.E.L.D. for that deed. 

Episode 38: All the Best People Are Mad 
Schoolmate Rhona Irwin turns Tomorrow Academy into a lethal maze of traps for Tony and his schoolmates while her twin brother Andy turns out to be very unexpectedly lethal as well. Now Tony must survive Rhona's D.A.T.s (short for Deadly Aptitude Test), free Pepper, Rhodey, Happy, and Whitney, and get to his Iron Man armor to defeat Rhona and Andy.
Episode 39: Heavy Mettle 

After the events involving the Iron Monger armor, Obadiah Stane begins to have it mass-produced. With footage discovered by Tony Stark and Roberta Rhodes which involved his deal with Ghost, Obadiah Stane is fired by the Chairman of the Board. Unfortunately, a comment from Tony accidentally reveals Iron Man's real identity to Obadiah.

Episode 44: Iron Man 2099
Tony gets an unexpected visitation from his future grandson Andros, who has come to eliminate Tony Stark, since he believes that by designing a super-virus named 'Vortex', Tony will be responsible for a catastrophe in the year 2099.Now Tony must take down his own futuristic grandson with the help of Hawkeye, Black Widow, and S.H.I.E.L.D. while avoiding the future disaster at the same time! 

Episode 50: The Dragon Seed
Just a few days before his eighteenth birthday, Tony, Rhodey, and Pepper in her brandnew battlesuit travel to China to search for the Mandarin. Gene finds the tenth ring and defeats the last guardian, but the rings - and Gene - harbor a deadly secret. In the meantime, Tony is confronted with the need to tell his father a veryimportant truth ...

Episode 51: The Makluan Invision Part 1 Annihilate!
Just on Tony's birthday, the Mandarin makes his move and demands domination over the world. But things take a surprising turn for the worse when the Makluan Overlord arrives on Earth to reclaim the Makluan rings and start a full-scale invasion. Now Tony, Rhodey and Pepper have to save the world and battle the Makluan aliens.


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